Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Food Update!

Nutella crêpe and an iced tea... didn't last long.

Coconut sorbet and an espresso. The sorbet was really really incredible.

Lunch special for 6.50 euros: A quiche with chevre, tomato and basil, and a little dessert that left me nearly speechless:
The base is a crunchy meringue with chopped hazelnuts, the middle is a very light chocolate mousse, covered by a thin chocolate-hazelnut shell. YUP. I know.

Hello, my darlings.

The ones that look like sealed envelopes have Nutella inside them...

Tee Bone Steack anyone?

Sam L. wasn't kidding!
(if you haven't seen Pulp Fiction you don't know what I'm talking about.)
(if you haven't seen Pulp Fiction we are not friends anyway.)

IM SORRY. But isn't this cardboard circle a great idea?
(and no, they aren't as good as they are in America)

ahh, so cheap!

So I went to get-beer-spilled-all-over-you night at the club, which was whatever, but THESE are cool! You can spend 30 euros and they just put one of these mini drafts on the bar for you an your friends to fill yourselves up. Carries about ten beers. I don't know who this person is, but he's enjoying it.

And apparently THIS happened to my baguette at 3 in the morning...

More soon! À bientôt!

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAH, yes. FOOD. ALL OF IT. nutella crAPPes. I LOVE YOU. goodbye
